Eat With Angelique – Kitchen Favorites by Angelique Santana
How are you doing during this COVID-19 Pandemic Quarantine? I hope this post finds you, your family, and everyone you love safe and well. I hear that a lot of people are cooking. A lot of you are even cooking together and eating together (again). The same is happening in our home.
I have been wanting to put a list together of my kitchen favorites and this quarantine finally created the space and the motivation to do it. It has provided me with the motivation to do so many things that I have been procrastinating on. That’s a good thing. How about you? I would love to hear from you about all the things you are doing and how you think your life has changed. Will you keep it up when we are finally allowed out or will you go back to doing things the way you always did them?
Here is what I have been up to…cooking, going live on Instagram, hosted a cooking class today (04/11) and I will be hosting another on May 12, working out, not drinking alcohol, drinking tea and too much coffee, eating, connecting with friends on the phone and video chats like FaceTime and Zoom, praying, journaling, laundry, reading and listening to books, spending time with my family, and cleaning.
It seems as though I am not alone, and neither are you, in finding ourselves back in the kitchen, spending quality time with our families, playing games, watching movies, doing household chores, and cooking and eating together. Reconnecting to each other and to ourselves. Although this Pandemic has interrupted all of our lives and some of us cannot work, earn income, or say a proper farewell to those that we have lost, I do hope that you find some peace knowing that this is temporary and soon enough we will be able to get back to what ever it was we were doing before. You may even be planning NOT to do things as you have done them before. Either way, my thoughts and prayers and love to you all.